Empowering your Body, Mind and Spirit

About me

My Philosophy

I believe that there comes a point in a person's life when she or he becomes aware that changes need to be made in order for her/him to live a more wholesome, healthy and fulfilling life.  Not only does this task require courage and determination, it needs a supportive network and environment.

From this work, some of the rewards can include reclaiming or establishing one's personal power, one's self-worth, one's independence, and one's self-love.

This is what I want to help you achieve.

I want to share the essence of my life lessons with you.

It is time to Empower Your Body, Mind and Spirit.

Meditation Sunrise New beginning
Lotus flower Awakening Awareness

To book an appointment today, please click here.

To hear about what my clients are saying about me, click here.

My Story

I embarked upon a very scenic and meandering path before reaching this current point in my life.

I am a multi-faceted spiritual human being. As an intuitive, I was trained and worked for 12 years as a structural engineer on large scale, international projects. In addition, I've also worked for 2 years as a floral designer.

My exposure to holistic medicine began when all aspects of my life made a 180 degree change in 2004.  Synchronistically, different teachers and mentors with a broad spectrum of skills and wisdom slowly appeared in my life to provide assistance and guidance.

As I began gaining awareness of the false belief systems which has formed the basis of my upbringing, my perspective in life gradually shifted and the confining/defining walls started to crumble around me. It was scary to be shedding the old and the familiar.

With this realization, I found the strength and support necessary to reshape and rebuild my life. I moved away from traditional obligations, the blame-shame game, and guilt/fear-based mindsets. During the implementation of my new self, I left the corporate-engineering world for good. I then started my Reiki training and completed my yoga teacher training.  With the freedom I created for myself, I studied various topics which sparked my interest and traveled to all 7 continents to gain more life experiences. From my solo travels, I have consequently received numerous, invaluable life lessons and learned more about myself. I even learned to speak German while fulfilling my dream of living in Europe.

Since my return to Toronto, I have continued learning more modalities and am committed to volunteering my services at a local hospice. In 2022, I completed a 2200 hours Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncture program and am now a registered acupuncturist. TCM has a long standing history with me, as I grew up consuming TCM herbs as part of my regular meals and receiving regular acupuncture treatments for my chronic headaches as a child. I have now come full circle.

In my spare time, I enjoy gardening, watching movies, hiking with the Bruce Trail conservancy, and connecting with my friends and my chosen family.

Now my wish is to share my cumulated and synthesized knowledge and experiences with you and empower you to formulate a new and better you.


Curious to see my availability? Please click here.

Academic Achievements

1997  B.Sc. (civil) - University of Manitoba
2002  Floral Designer certificate - Canadian Institute of Floral Design
2008  P.Eng designation - Professional Engineers Ontario
2011  BodyTalk Access Technician certificate
2011  BodyTalk BreakThrough certificate
2011  BodyTalk Mindscape certificate
2012  Practitioners Mentoring Circle - Dr. Diane Chung  ND
2012  Usui Reiki 1 Practitioner certificate
2012  Usui Reiki 2 Practitioner certificate
2013  Shamballa Energetics & Reiki Practitioner certificate
2014  250 hours Ashtanga & Vinyasa Yoga teacher training certificate - Downward Dog Yoga Centre
2016 German B1 Level certificate
2017 German B2 Level certificate
2018  Subtle Realm Translation module 1 and 2 - Dr. Diane Chung, ND
2018  FES Professional course - Flower Essence Society
2018  Holistic Health Practitioner certificate - Transformational Arts College
2019  Usui Reiki 3 Master certificate
2019  Kensington Health 35 hour Hospice Volunteer Training Program
2019  Komyo Reiki Level 1 certificate
2019  BodyTalk Fundamentals certificate
2019  Medical Qigong Level A - Donna Oliver
2022  Acupuncture Diploma Program (High Honours) - AIM Academy
2022  Death and Dying / Sex and Relationships in TCM - Richard Kwan (AIM Academy)
2022  Shiatsu 101 certificate - AIM Academy
2023  RAc (Registered Acupuncturist) - CTCMPAO (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario)
2023  Wealth and Prosperity in Chinese Medicine - Richard Kwan (AIM Academy)
2023  Aesthetic Acupuncture Made Simple with Dr. Travall - Dr. Travall Croom (AIM Academy)
2023  TCM Psychology - Richard Kwan (OCTCM)
2023  TCM Approach and Acupuncture Treatment for Infertility - Prof. Amir Hooman Kazemi (OCTCM)
2023  Acupuncture Treatment and Embedding for Obesity and Decrease the Size - Prof. Amir Hooman Kazemi (OCTCM)
2023 Auricular / Ear Detox Specialist - ITM
2024 Pediatric Acupuncture Japan Tour - Yumiko Freeman et al.


Interested to see my availability? Please click here.


I am not to provide western diagnoses or replace your medical doctor or any other medical professional. Please continue your medical routine as advised by your medical professional. I can only provide advice and diagnoses based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and its theories.

Any and all remedies, therapy or exercises are provided as suggestions only and to be fulfilled at your discretion.